Traditional Chinese medicine is a complete medical system. Multiple modalities are involved in this methodology including acupuncture, guasha, cupping, pulse & tongue diagnosis, herbal medicine, and nutritional recommendations. Treatments are tailored for each patient to determine which modalities are most appropriate.
- Acupuncture (local and distal needling techniques)
- Facial acupuncture
- Auricular acupuncture
- Cupping (slide and stationary)
- Guasha (facial guasha and specific body area guasha for qi and lymph movement)
- Chinese herbal medicine
- Prescriptions and patent formulas
- TCM based diet and lifestyle recommendations
- Recommendations for Qigong, TaiChi, TCM recipes etc.
Acupuncture can help with a variety of both chronic and acute conditions. Below are some the most common conditions it is used for
- Chronic and acute soft tissue pain, muscle tension, acute sport-related injuries
- Reproductive health including amenhorrea, dysmenorrhea, PMS, menopause, PCOS
- Chronic headaches, chronic migraines (including cluster, ocular, with or without aura, intractable and not intractable), whiplash related pain, neurological conditions
- Digestive changes including bloating, reflux, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, GERD
- Difficulty sleeping or change in sleeping pattern, fatigue, lethargy
- Chronic and acute stress, changes in mood related to hormonal health, or external stressors
- Nausea/vomiting related to chemotherapy, radiation, medication side-effects
- Low appetite or change in appetite
- Digestive changes including bloating, reflux, constipation, diarrhea, gas
- Peripheral neuropathy in extremities (hands and feet)
- Bone pain, soft tissue pain, post-op pain, scar tissue or post-radiation pain
- Changes in sleep patterns, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, lethargy
- Mood changes including irritability, low mood, sadness, stress, anxiety, apathy